Friday, July 10, 2009


You know what's amazing? All of your words are character names from that forgotten children's classic, Tales of the Gnemog!

Esuom (ESH-yum) A wise, old badger who lives near Gnemog Bog. Often seen smoking his pipe and offering sage advice to Lillu and Prakat.

Gnemog (NEE-mog) An evil, petrifyingly large frog, native to Gnemog Bog. The subject of many a scary story in Pytrie Wood. Rumor has it that the Gnemog is not evil at all, but merely misunderstood.

Lillu (LEE-loo) Our spunky squirrel girl. What she lacks in bravery, she makes up for in resourcefulness. Always thinks she's right, and most of the time she is!

Prakat (PRAH-ket) A tough, young bobcat with an appetite for adventure! His bravery often gets him into trouble. Sometimes, Prakat's mouth is too big for his bobcat britches!

words by Caitlin Montanye Parrish. definitions by Justin Lamar Nix.

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