Friday, July 10, 2009


BURGANTIUM: n. an elemental metal with a darkish-red hue, a flaky crust, and a boiling point of 69 degrees kelvin. It has 33 1/2 protons, so if you could just slip the mail under Selenium's front door, it'll get to him. Thanks.

MOURINJIN: (MOR-in-JUN): n. a specific type of keening, native to the Caddo Indian tribe, in which the mourner interlocks his fingers behind his head and thrashes his elbows together while crying out loudly. This, of course, helps trememdously with the crying part, and produces a lovely "wah-wah" effect.

DJALINATION: (jho-lee-NAY-shun) v. 1) the act of making an assembled group feel spirited and gleeful. 2) a happy country.

words by Mark Stetson. definitions by Justin Lamar Nix.

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