Friday, July 17, 2009

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009


BURGANTIUM: n. an elemental metal with a darkish-red hue, a flaky crust, and a boiling point of 69 degrees kelvin. It has 33 1/2 protons, so if you could just slip the mail under Selenium's front door, it'll get to him. Thanks.

MOURINJIN: (MOR-in-JUN): n. a specific type of keening, native to the Caddo Indian tribe, in which the mourner interlocks his fingers behind his head and thrashes his elbows together while crying out loudly. This, of course, helps trememdously with the crying part, and produces a lovely "wah-wah" effect.

DJALINATION: (jho-lee-NAY-shun) v. 1) the act of making an assembled group feel spirited and gleeful. 2) a happy country.

words by Mark Stetson. definitions by Justin Lamar Nix.


crypolyte- n. a shaman specializing in the disappearance of secrets.

omnit- v. to sew all things for all people, all at once. 

burdlire- n. 1) a state of inconsolable drunken rage. 2) the term for explanation of injuries seemingly accidentally incurred while drunk. named after Burdle, the Roman God of Beerfoam.

words by Sara White and Kasey Mire. definitions by Justin Lamar Nix.


FALCHOI: n. inhabitants of the chinese space colony on neptune. the falchoi are planning a surprise-attack invasion of the western world in 2013. what we don't know is that these 4 billion chinese space-daughters are 1/3 the size of normal humans. and you thought bedbugs were bad.

MALFROMIE: adj. not content in matters regarding stepsons.

OLIQUADOR: n. 1) an explorer of the deep sea. 2) a citizen of atlantis of spanish origin. 3) a common thug, known to carry a super soaker.

words by Diana De Luna. definitions by Justin Lamar Nix.


Ugalai: (YOO-ga-LYE) n. mythical flying helmets used by the Greeks. also, a failed NFL team. many fans gave away their season tickets when the Fremont Fightin' Ugalais' helmets did not, in fact, have magical powers of flight. must have been the chinstraps.

Lipoopoop: (lee-POO-POOP) n. a lesser-known chinese dish made with chicken or shrimp, fresh spinach, sundried tomatoes, and long flat noodles. the chef at happy wok #2, inventor of lipoopoop, is still confused as to its lack of popularity.

Skiff: (skif) v. to feign slapping a friend in the face, only to run your fingers gingerly through his/her hair.

words by Aubrey Vora. definitions by Justin Lamar Nix.


You know what's amazing? All of your words are character names from that forgotten children's classic, Tales of the Gnemog!

Esuom (ESH-yum) A wise, old badger who lives near Gnemog Bog. Often seen smoking his pipe and offering sage advice to Lillu and Prakat.

Gnemog (NEE-mog) An evil, petrifyingly large frog, native to Gnemog Bog. The subject of many a scary story in Pytrie Wood. Rumor has it that the Gnemog is not evil at all, but merely misunderstood.

Lillu (LEE-loo) Our spunky squirrel girl. What she lacks in bravery, she makes up for in resourcefulness. Always thinks she's right, and most of the time she is!

Prakat (PRAH-ket) A tough, young bobcat with an appetite for adventure! His bravery often gets him into trouble. Sometimes, Prakat's mouth is too big for his bobcat britches!

words by Caitlin Montanye Parrish. definitions by Justin Lamar Nix.


BALLEWUSCH; A terrible tummy eruption (often caused by dairy and beer) that culminates in its release from both orifices in a violent, yet highly coordinated circular motion around a toilet. Also see 'Pinwheel'.

CLIEGREN: Ancient oils used to purge and purify demon and poltergeists from ones pores. 

VITIVOP: to unshackle oneself from asinine institutions and thought processes.

words by Justin Lamar Nix. definitions by Diana De Luna.


Ambace (Om-Batch-Aye): The moment of hesitation before making eye contact with someone significant.

Heuradin (Hyer-adin): Medicine which makes you feel more present. "Be Here, Ya-Heur?" (Jamaican lady dancing in the moonlight).

Eavolia( Eev-O-lia): Mystical land where Yermatog the Great sat for 30 years listening to the words of wisdom. ... Read MoreThis Great Silence is the period of time in which Yermatog began rooting himself. His body stretched and clung to the cool earth, until he was no longer a man, but life itself.

words by Justin Lamar Nix. definitions by Aubrey Vora.


LATICHRUM (Lat-ick-rum) n. 1. the muscle that connects the latisimus dorsi and the fulcrum of the sturnum.
(La-tich-rum) 1. the time frame between being tardy and when you would've been on time

BARGLEY - (Bar-glee) n. 1. A state of utter bliss. 2. A state of utter bliss while holding a cucumber.

PHLATUUM - (Flay-too-um) n. 1. The photoplasm in which a single-celled organism transforms into a double-celled organism, and sometimes, a multi-celled organism. 2. The transitional period between meeting someone and becoming officially friends with someone (ie the period between "Friend Request" and "Friend Acceptance" 3. Purgatory

words by Justin Lamar Nix. definitions by Mark Stetson.


Plelelefous: n. duck-billed elephant.

Mandwarb: v. to hold hands in a tangled fashion with multiple persians; n. tangled hand-holding, with Persians.

Fitzitu: n. a form of exercise involving tantrum-throwing.

words by Justin Lamar Nix. definitions by Sara White and Kasey Mire.


JOCELLOUS (Jah'-si-lus): v. to joke because of one's jealousy.

BEMMLERY (Bemm'-ler-ee): n. A kind of laugh typical of a large, gay man.

YIPSUM (like it looks): n. all kinds of meaningless nothing that sticks to stuff, like pants, syn. lint, flotsom, schmootz.

words by Justin Lamar Nix. definitions by Anya Clingman.


Blaupitz - disease in which the fingers spontaneously bleed

Pestrance - moon induced languidness

Feloigre - one who recoils from unconventional sleeping arrangements

words by Justin Lamar Nix. definitions by Caitlin Montanye Parrish.


ZOINKS- an exclamation, simultaneously depicting surprise, alarm, and a little pee-your-pants joy.

PLAMATSA- (plah-MAHT-sah) an unspoken, telepathic bond between two playmates, whether childhood or playboydian in nature. 

NATIOUS- (NAY-shus) the sensation of being filled with such nationalistic pride that one feels as though he/she might puke.

words by Anya Clingman. definitions by Justin Lamar Nix.


CRENDIO (kren'-dee-oh): n. the part in a pop song where everything kind of builds right before the breakdown into the takin' it down real slow.

LABAMESSRY (leh-bom'es-ree): state of being. 1. when one feels so low, they drink themselves into oblivion to the point where they shit. 2. and they subsequently realize it while being cleaned up by a good friend. 3. usually accompanied by crying.

YONGRE (yahngr-ay): slang. "Do you want something to eat?"

words by Justin Lamar Nix. definitions by Anya Clingman.


Raelhet: (n.) an ornately decorated train conductor's cap.

Timmot- (n.) any miniaturized domicile for small rodents fashioned in medieval style.

Aurailon- (n.) a mythical barefoot guide, depicted in stories leading lost souls through the darkest of nights, his glowing feet lighting the path ahead. literally: a light jog.

Heb- (v.) to cajole to the point of antagonism; to dig one's elbow into another's hip bone.

words by Caitlin Montanye Parrish. definitions by Justin Lamar Nix.


Peltch - to prove one's prowess through her tossing ability.

Falcham - the empty space where a tooth once was.

Blontodinas - sandbars that glow due to copper deposits.

words by Justin Lamar Nix. definitions by Caitlin Montanye Parrish.


Lepin: (lay-PEEN) n. a natural adhesive found in the connective tissue of the wings of bats. when mixed with sulphur, is known to be highly explosive.

Sanvilope: (sahn-VEE-lo-pay) v. to forcibly excrete, esp. in the case of stubborn fruit juices.

Viratsill: (vi-RAHT-sil) n. 1) life-giving nectar. 2) antiquated slang for splooge.

words by Anya Clingman. definitions by Justin Lamar Nix.


PABRONTIS (pa-bron'-tis): n. the former leg of a beetle that had once accompanied it's other five legs, but due to accident or malintent, it has found itself all alone and dying.

JANFERTIC (yahn-fair'-tik): v. of Swedish origin. 1. Flirting with a sassy dame. 2. Getting smoked by a sassy dame. 3. Being pushed into shenanigans by a sassy dame merely so that she may mock your efforts.

WUGLERRIN (woo'-glarin): n. slang for stink eye.

words by Justin Lamar Nix. definitions by Anya Clingman.


olam- traditional greeting from mothers to sons, and back again. popularized in america with the 1941 hit song, "Olam Means Goodbye, Mom."

gwylattos- a group of mixed-race children born without soft palates.

bellitiasly- describes a manner of editing or revision in which the writer second-guesses key decisions, often ruining the work.

kep- microscopic single-celled organisms capable of joining together of one mind to form shapes thousands of times their size. known for their famous kep elephants.

words by Caitlin Montanye Parrish. definitions by Justin Lamar Nix.


Compliox: (n) an unexplainable disease in which the sufferer feels a greater sense of well-being, or even more physically attractive; all the while wasting away.

Maleekyul: (n) an annual celebration of the Ekyul tribe's victory over the evil Basatuus. the winner of the Miss Maleekyul pageant is declared queen for a day. and they have party hats, too.

Detellicus: (adj) quitetly, and with superb diction. "Grandpa talked so detellicusly, I could understand every word, even if I couldn't hear a thing."

words by Brittney Maddox. definitions by Justin Lamar Nix.


GOR'-BLISH: adj. carried in a teensy sack.

PI'-TRO-CLON'-A-DI'-RAS: n. Acute anxiety caused by watching someone put on white socks and sandals, esp. thong sandals.

words by Justin Lamar Nix. definitions by Brittney Maddox.


Quelliope - n. One who is joyful in sleep

Pintrelly - slang. The greenish tinge of a pre-vomit drunkard's skin.

Hikaros - exc. "We greet death."

Sti - adj. Unwarmable.

words by Justin Lamar Nix. definitions by Caitlin Montanye Parrish.


nessun: v. to lovingly nuzzle a partner's hipbone. "What that girl needs is a good nessunning."

degrach: v. to begrudgingly clean out. "Lord Quimbone is complaining, so I've got to go degrach the effing moat."

ehomycheba: int. what you shout when someone steals your weed.

ilysilvas: prop n. the fairy inhabitants of Ilysilva, a mystical village found among the fronds of ferns in Finland. major export: spores.

words by Caitlin Montanye Parrish. definitions by Justin Lamar Nix.


Gneegle - n. French bastardization of Scottish "glengle", a forest tryst.
Formpsch - exc. (discourse marker) denotes frustration over technique quibbling.
Vologofy - v. to reduce a jelly to its base elements.
Eashous - adj. burnt-souffle-like.

words by Justin Lamar Nix. definitions by Caitlin Montanye Parrish.


quutin: a rare metal found exclusively on the sinai peninsula. thought for centuries to possess supernatural powers. DID YOU KNOW? moses had a quutin fedora.

ronatic: used to describe monks with an uncontrollable urge to giggle.

wedstinc: a spotted bird, indigenous to south america. known for its ability to attract a mate by mimicking the sound of loggers' saws.

words by Caitlin Montanye Parrish. definitions by Justin Lamar Nix.


PLEFINDINOUS: Capable of never-ending endings.

CRUNFAP: A animal that survives the removal of its legs.

BELSIODE: An unimpeachable point.

words by Justin Lamar Nix. definitions by Caitlin Montanye Parrish.


tamblerane: adj used to describe a poorly choreographed synchronized dance routine

quimbo: human bodily expression in which arms go from akimbo postion to a shrug, usually occurring when someone thinks about a question without developing an answer

marchulous: adj. used to describe a flawless four-leafed clover

words by Justin Lamar Nix. definitions by Sara White.


kasprish: a title given to the champion frog smoosher at the annual bogen county fair, in bogen county, mississippi. it is quite the honor in bogen county to be the recipient of "the kasprish and a cash prize."

vischelous: any number of food items deemed equally tasty and evil. "The vishy sois was very vischelous."

pancerine: extract of swine pancreas. also, the quality of being both swine-like and pancreatic.

words by Sara White. definitions by Justin Lamar Nix.


Pampliod: n. a menstruation sanitation device which emerged on the market in the 1950's but did not take off, thus there will be no need for description

Tantuix: n. the bodily routine of crying, pouting, lying down and falling right to sleep; common amongst toddlers

Feldge: n. a sound sung by the stomach

words by Justin Lamar Nix. definitions by Sara White.


quain: (Kwy-in) an ancient, mystic, virtuosic flute player considered a demi-god to many Mongolians.

beropt: possessing the ability to produce rhythmic flatulence.

mecloframeep: a mechanism designed to randomly assign tones of various pitches and timbres to rubber buttons. for pushing.

words by John Martin. definitions by Justin Lamar Nix.


Pilituladinal: adj. Marketable in more than one market arena. eg. "Slinky recently sacked its pilituladinal steel version, favoring the more child friendly plastic line, citing increased law suits relating to home-built macrophone chambers."

Ashphango: n. 1. A horse with two or more peanuts in its mouth. 2. Court slang for walking behind the bench or whatever and sitting in the judges lap with chocolate on your face, placing your left index over his lips and quietly shushing him.

Ghleefroch: n. Any activity associated with metal. eg. "I'll ghleefroch the car while you grab the money."

words by Justin Lamar Nix. definitions by John Martin.


heffleckle: a fast growing wildflower, indigenous to everywhere. known for its sweet extractable nectar, which is said to be the inspiration for orange sherbet.

poxpazzle: an unsuccessful candied remedy for smallpox. taken off the market when everybody suddenly got poilo. whoops!

rimpsteam: v. to defeat one's opponent by a wide margin. "we totally rimpsteamed them!" n- a urethral colonic.

words by John Martin. definitions by Justin Lamar Nix.


canquous: adj. describing profound edema of a human calf/ankle, resulting in a marriage of the two, usually afflicting unprotected squid touchers.

prattstrew: the string or cord pulled to unfurl expensive cheese sealed in wax.

swoboda: slang among waste management workers for Thai Meat.

words by Justin Lamar Nix. definitions by John Martin.


Dwungle: a tandem hammock. 

Parafilm: the little square clear plastic slide you put on top of the rectangular glass slide when you go microscopin'. 

Theotoxin: a mind controlling substance applied via dropper to the body of Christ crackers they serve you in church. Named for dr. Theodore Toxin, inventor of cyanide and mop N glo.

words by John Martin. definitions by Justin Lamar Nix.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Magliog: a brackish pond found only in fictional thickets. 

Terachio: a minor character appearing in first drafts of at least seven of Shakespeare's plays. Terachio would always come on the scene in the midst of the most dramatic moment of the play, only to exclaim, "well whaaaaaaaadaya know?" much to the chagrin of the other characters. He was omitted from all works before the first folio was ever published. 

Fleacock: a tiny, spring-loaded chicken.

words by John Martin. definitions by Justin Lamar Nix.